Keravan Kori-80 kasvatti Aubrey Nonerly: Atte is a returning player for last year’s team, who has had smaller roles and some injuries in previous seasons. Atte is also the only …
Lasse Kinnunen
Keravan Kori-80 kasvatti Matkassa mukana: Lähitapiola …
Aake Paavilainen
Lappeenrannan NMKY kasvatti Aubrey Conerly The last two seasons Aake has been unable to fully commit to the team because of the army and work but this season things have changed. Aake is really …
Kalle Kinnunen
El Capitano Keravan Kori-80 kasvatti Matkassa mukana: LOAS …
Elmeri Porvari
Pantterit kasvatti …
Kevin van Dessel
Helsingin NMKY kasvatti Aubrey Conerly Kevin is one of the more experienced players on the team that will provide solid leadership and aggressive defensive play. He comes from a strong …